
<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/15682007" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/15682007">Jack's project 3</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user4914388">jackhe1986</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>


If you can believe it the pictures below are enamel on steel paintings! this woman is off the chain. Minter, the 60-year-0ld Louisiana born New York artist was the star of 2006’s coveted Whitney Biennial -the New York art world’s most formal stamp of approval—and at the time, some of the artwork from the show appeared on billboards around the city simultaneously. She currently has a solo show at Salon 94Marilyn's hyper-realistic paintings which really express me about more than real.

Jan Kallwejt is an illustrator and graphic designer currently based in Warsaw, he runs a one-man studio focusing on illustration, apparel design and personal projects. I really like the colour plate and combine the cartoon and culture and politic very well. 

Enter the strange world of Nick Dewar; the Southern California based artist creates ingeniously amusing and often surrealistic illustrations in a simple style driven by graceful linework and flat solid color fills. Nick's work is higly conceptual, and most remarkable for his sharp wit and sense of humor.
Angel esteve and  Zaha Hadid (above)
Both people are doing abstract painting. I think Zaha 's work has much high level of thinking. The form is more potential and life. 

Funny and joke, great ideas about promotion the McDonald. Use the famous icon to create the connection between people and food.

 Green idea I was so inspired, object become people and give them real life to increase the emotion of work. 
nice color plate, each medicine match the person below. Great organised
My favorite architect is Tadao Ando, who is japanese the work is church of light. He uses simple and pure elements in the architecture, but it represent the holy and sacred. Light is the best decoration in the interior architecture.

What is graphic design? Graphic design is a creative process — most often involving a client and a designer and usually completed in conjunction with producers of form (i.e., printers, programmers, signmakers, etc.) — undertaken in order to convey a specific message (or messages) to a targeted audience. The term "graphic design" can also refer to a number of artistic and professional disciplines that focus on visual communication and presentation.
Strange image, but i really like the colour apply on the building. It's kind of fake and non reality, but it's good combination.

John Hudson BA (Hons) Graphic Design

1576 trees are needed to absorb the CO2 emitted by a washing machine over it’s life cycle. This poster is part of a campaign to raise environmental awareness. The tree Icons are a graphic way to represent the CO2 produced over a products life time. 
Simple and Pure is the best and rich. 
This design grabs my attention right away. The mix of design elements on the skateboard using Chinese decorative elements are very unique and makes me want to explore more of these Asian decorative elements. 
Architecture collage that create another digital image, buildings and forms are give special experience in this work. Objects have self meaning in the world. people use own experience to assess the work.
Hand sketch effect plus digital which can make the work so well. Old does not mean bad, the vintage is very popular today. It has rich texture and history than modern works.
 Use text to create image, both images use same tech and different objects. They are good work. Sometimes the image is not made by lines, because everything can become pixel in the digital world. The image is created by anything.

Both two images are made by one designer, because the style is so strong. The detail and colorful drawing which looks crazy, but it's really catch people's attention. But the strange thing is the human or object's face which always have sweat.....Why!!!!!
What I really enjoy about his work is his ability to combine his Asian background with his European design education. Lovely. I’m always inspired with design that is influenced by culture. Chinese painting elements were be included in this work.

Robert Davidson is one of the first northwest coast native of Haida descent artists to apply two dimensional design in printmaking. As a young artist he learned to cut his own screens and hand pull prints from them.
Robert is also known internationally as a carver of totem poles and masks, print maker, painter and jeweller. He has become a leading figure in the renaissance of Haida art and culture.
In all of his work you can clearly recognize simplicity, two color pallettes and symmetrical balance which I sure has been an inspiration to modern day graphic design. His art and prints are outstanding!
Using digital technology, graphic designer Hans Weishäupl has carefully reconstructed portraits of 13 dictators over the past 100 years. However, the photo montages, which measure 1.8 m x 2.3 m do not contain a single piece of original picture material, but are made of countless tiny, specially shot portraits of the citizens of the country the dictator ruled over.
A new design trend which is really starting to take off among the design community, which is Retro Futurism Designs an interpretation of the future maintaing some type of old vintage appearance within the design. A mix and match of different design styles mainly futuristic and vintage designs. All elements are related by space and 60's. 
Frame and reflection is the main element in this image. I really like the puddle reflection, because it represent the quiet environment and thinking deeply.
Good advising, and soot is good idea to show how damage is it. Burning everything and burning process both pass information to the audience. Smoking is harmful.
Crazy idea and good promotion 

Trees and grass apply on the frog. Mix each element which is from nature.
collage is good way to communication ideas.